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In Awe

You see me how, now? You see me put my clothes on, A tired ritual in the dark of an autumn morning. After children, after brushing my teeth, After waking from another life. The life where I was someone not as I am Known to you. I think back to when I was unknown to...


This post is about being. I am. I am alive, and I am blessed. Little things accentuate the nature of my existence, round the edges, sharpen the lines; flourishes of detail, for example: Blue overshoes.; like blue suede shoes but for the side of the pool. boredom. The...

Mother’s Day 2018

Happy Mother’s Day. To Ma, I know you now, like I’ve never known you before. I am you. Your insecurities, your strengths and your weaknesses, your loves, your hopes and dreams are all mine now. They exist for my daughter and son and every day, I wonder how you managed...

This too, shall pass…

There are times when we look at the world and feel despair. Events over the months of 2016 and part way across the threshold of 2017, have given us justifiable cause for such malaise. Trump will be president within days. The Syrians are either forgotten or vilified,...